Yoga is a spiritual practice that helps you to get the best for your mind and body. It comes from the Hindu religion and has been used for thousands of years to support discipline, health and relaxation. There are many different forms of yoga and it is used in many different countries across the world.
Find out more about yoga and Surya Namaskar now.
Surya Namaskar is a yoga sequence that is commonly known as the Sun Salutation. It is formed of twelve different poses that when combined produce a strengthening yoga flow. Take a look at the steps of Surya Namaskar below:
Step One Prayer Pose – In this pose, you will stand with your feet together and bring your palms together into a prayer pose as you exhale.
Step Two Raised Arms Pose – As you breathe in you will lift your arms up, stretching your entire body from your heels to your fingers.
Step Three Hand to Foot Pose – Next, you will bend forward from your waist, breathing out as you move and placing your hands on the floor by your feet while keeping your spine straight.
Step Four Equestrian Pose – As you breathe in you will push your right leg to the back and then bring your right knee down to the floor whilst slowly looking up.
Step Five Stick Pose – Your next pose requires you to take your left leg to the back before bringing your body into a completely straight line.
Step Six Salute with 8 Parts – During this pose, your hands, feet, knees, chest and chin all need to touch the ground as you exhale and elevate your posterior.
Step Seven Cobra Pose – To achieve the Cobra pose you will need to raise your chest, keep your shoulders away from your wars and push your chest as far forward as you comfortably can.
Step Eight Mountain Pose – As you create an inverted V you will need to breathe out and keep your hips and tailbone elevated.
Step Nine Equestrian Pose – Return back to the pose explained in step four. (As you breathe in you will push your right leg to the back and then bring your right knee down to the floor whilst slowly looking up.)
Step Ten Hand to Foot Pose – Return back to the pose explained in step three (You will bend forward from your waist, breathing out as you move and placing your hands on the floor by your feet while keeping your spine straight.)
Step Eleven Raised Arms Pose – Return back to the pose explained in step two (As you breathe in you will lift your arms up, stretching your entire body from your heels to your fingers.)
Step Twelve Tadasana – Your final move is to bring your arms down and exhale as you straighten your body, observing the way your body feels after the sequence is complete.
Repeat the all steps as much as you can. Ideally, people do 12 Surya Namaskar in a day.